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007 - Squirtle



Base Stats

HP 44
Attack 48
Defense 65
SP Attack 50
SP Defense 64
Speed 43


Route Area Encounter Rate Extra Instructions
Isle Of Armor Dojo Gift 100 Choose between Squirtle and Bulbasaur as a gift from Mustard for completing the Island Challenge.


Level Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
1 Tackle 40 100 35 normal physical
5 Tail-whip - 100 30 normal status
9 Bubble 40 100 30 water special
14 Withdraw - - 40 water status
18 Water-gun 40 100 25 water special
19 Rapid-spin 50 100 40 normal physical
23 Bite 60 100 25 dark physical
25 Water-pulse 60 100 20 water special
27 Bubble-beam 65 100 20 water special
28 Aqua-tail 90 90 10 water physical
34 Iron-defense - - 15 steel status
41 Hydro-pump 110 80 5 water special
45 Skull-bash 130 100 10 normal physical
Machine Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
TM22 Rock-slide 75 90 10 rock physical
TM27 Toxic - 90 10 poison status
TM100 Confide - - 20 normal status
TM27 Return - 100 20 normal physical
TM87 Swagger - 85 15 normal status
TM05 Rest - - 5 psychic status
TM56 Fling - 100 10 dark physical
TM01 Headbutt 70 100 15 normal physical
TM88 Sleep-talk - - 10 normal status
TM32 Double-team - - 15 normal status
TM39 Rock-tomb 60 95 15 rock physical
TM13 Brick-break 75 100 15 fighting physical
TM10 Dig 80 100 10 ground physical
TM35 Ice-punch 75 100 15 ice physical
TM07 Hail - - 10 ice status
TM10 Hidden-power 60 100 15 normal special
TM21 Frustration - 100 20 normal physical
TM19 Iron-tail 100 75 15 steel physical
TM74 Gyro-ball - 100 5 steel physical
TM55 Scald 80 100 15 water special
TM45 Attract - 100 15 normal status
TM55 Ice-beam 90 100 10 ice special
TM08 Substitute - - 10 normal status
TM39 Outrage 120 100 10 dragon physical
TM07 Protect - - 10 normal status
TM12 Facade 70 100 20 normal physical
TM15 Seismic-toss - 100 20 fighting physical
TM01 Work-up - - 30 normal status
TM48 Round 60 100 15 normal special
TM14 Blizzard 110 70 5 ice special
TM18 Rain-dance - - 5 water status
TM34 Dragon-pulse 85 100 10 dragon special
TM33 Reflect - - 20 psychic status
TM98 Waterfall 80 100 15 water physical
TM94 Surf 90 100 15 water special