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145 - Zapdos-galarian



Base Stats

HP 90
Attack 125
Defense 90
SP Attack 85
SP Defense 90
Speed 100


Route Area Encounter Rate Extra Instructions
Wild Area 4 West Legendary 100 Return to the Wild Area after encountering the Galarian Birds at the Tree in the Crown Tundra.


Level Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
1 Peck 35 100 35 flying physical
1 Focus-energy - - 30 normal status
5 Rock-smash 40 100 15 fighting physical
15 Pluck 60 100 20 flying physical
20 Agility - - 30 psychic status
25 Ancient-power 60 100 5 rock special
35 Drill-peck 80 100 20 flying physical
40 Quick-guard - - 15 fighting status
45 Thunderous-kick 90 100 10 fighting physical
50 Bulk-up - - 20 fighting status
55 Counter - 100 20 fighting physical
60 Detect - - 5 fighting status
65 Close-combat 120 100 5 fighting physical
70 Reversal - 100 15 fighting physical
Machine Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
TM47 Low-sweep 65 100 20 fighting physical
TM16 Screech - 85 40 normal status
TM66 Payback 50 100 10 dark physical
TM39 Swift 60 - 20 normal special
TM05 Rest - - 5 psychic status
TM13 Snore 50 100 15 normal special
TM62 Acrobatics 55 100 15 flying physical
TM51 Steel-wing 70 90 25 steel physical
TM89 U-turn 70 100 20 bug physical
TM13 Brick-break 75 100 15 fighting physical
TM58 Assurance 60 100 10 dark physical
TM52 Bounce 85 85 5 flying physical
TM26 Scary-face - 100 10 normal status
TM42 Revenge 60 100 10 fighting physical
TM01 Mega-kick 120 75 5 normal physical
TM16 Light-screen - - 30 psychic status
TM98 Stomping-tantrum 75 100 10 ground physical
TM48 Hyper-beam 150 90 5 normal special
TM07 Protect - - 10 normal status
TM12 Facade 70 100 20 normal physical
TM67 Retaliate 70 100 5 normal physical
TM48 Round 60 100 15 normal special
TM76 Fly 90 95 15 flying physical
TM68 Giga-impact 150 90 5 normal physical