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455 - Carnivine



Base Stats

HP 74
Attack 100
Defense 72
SP Attack 90
SP Defense 72
Speed 46


Route Area Encounter Rate Extra Instructions
Isle Of Armor 5 Grass 5


Level Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
1 Growth - - 20 normal status
1 Bind 15 85 20 normal physical
7 Bite 60 100 25 dark physical
11 Vine-whip 45 100 25 grass physical
17 Sweet-scent - 100 20 normal status
21 Ingrain - - 20 grass status
27 Feint-attack 60 - 20 dark physical
31 Leaf-tornado 65 90 10 grass special
37 Spit-up - 100 10 normal special
37 Swallow - - 10 normal status
37 Stockpile - - 20 normal status
41 Crunch 80 100 15 dark physical
47 Wring-out - 100 5 normal special
50 Power-whip 120 85 10 grass physical
Machine Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
TM27 Toxic - 90 10 poison status
TM66 Payback 50 100 10 dark physical
TM100 Confide - - 20 normal status
TM27 Return - 100 20 normal physical
TM87 Swagger - 85 15 normal status
TM05 Rest - - 5 psychic status
TM56 Fling - 100 10 dark physical
TM36 Sludge-bomb 90 100 10 poison special
TM88 Sleep-talk - - 10 normal status
TM32 Double-team - - 15 normal status
TM46 Thief 60 100 25 dark physical
TM86 Grass-knot - 100 20 grass special
TM10 Hidden-power 60 100 15 normal special
TM21 Frustration - 100 20 normal physical
TM53 Energy-ball 90 100 10 grass special
TM83 Infestation 20 100 20 bug special
TM45 Attract - 100 15 normal status
TM45 Solar-beam 120 100 10 grass special
TM11 Sunny-day - - 5 fire status
TM08 Substitute - - 10 normal status
TM48 Hyper-beam 150 90 5 normal special
TM07 Protect - - 10 normal status
TM12 Facade 70 100 20 normal physical
TM96 Nature-power - - 20 normal status
TM48 Round 60 100 15 normal special
TM68 Giga-impact 150 90 5 normal physical
TM75 Swords-dance - - 20 normal status