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805 - Stakataka



Base Stats

HP 61
Attack 131
Defense 211
SP Attack 53
SP Defense 101
Speed 13


Route Area Encounter Rate Extra Instructions
Crown Tundra Grassy East Legendary 100 Interact with Ultrawormhole.


Level Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
1 Tackle 40 100 35 normal physical
1 Harden - - 30 normal status
5 Rock-throw 50 90 15 rock physical
15 Stomp 65 100 20 normal physical
20 Block - - 5 normal status
30 Wide-guard - - 10 rock status
35 Autotomize - - 15 steel status
45 Magnet-rise - - 10 electric status
50 Iron-defense - - 15 steel status
55 Iron-head 80 100 15 steel physical
60 Take-down 90 85 20 normal physical
65 Stealth-rock - - 20 rock status
70 Double-edge 120 100 15 normal physical
Machine Name Power Accuracy PP Type Damage Class
TM22 Rock-slide 75 90 10 rock physical
TM54 Rock-blast 25 90 10 rock physical
TM05 Rest - - 5 psychic status
TM13 Snore 50 100 15 normal special
TM39 Rock-tomb 60 95 15 rock physical
TM72 Magic-room - - 10 psychic status
TM71 Wonder-room - - 10 psychic status
TM92 Trick-room - - 5 psychic status
TM78 Bulldoze 60 100 20 ground physical
TM37 Sandstorm - - 10 rock status
TM59 Brutal-swing 60 100 20 dark physical
TM01 Mega-kick 120 75 5 normal physical
TM16 Light-screen - - 30 psychic status
TM98 Stomping-tantrum 75 100 10 ground physical
TM20 Safeguard - - 25 normal status
TM07 Protect - - 10 normal status
TM12 Facade 70 100 20 normal physical
TM48 Round 60 100 15 normal special
TM68 Giga-impact 150 90 5 normal physical
TM33 Reflect - - 20 psychic status